Level 1 Part 2

Al-Hikmah Islamic Studies Level 1 Part 2, builds on part 1 book as it continues from unit 11 to unit 20. This part focuses more on Fiqh and worship, Seerah (Prophet’s biography), Akhlaaq and manners, and stories of previous prophets. It emphasises the virtues of learning and respecting the Quran, the etiquettes of reading Quran and the importance of worshipping Allah. It also teaches the student the importance of cleanliness in Islam. The students also learn about the family members of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the story of Prophet Adam (AS).

This textbook is part of the standard version of Al-Hikmah Islamic Education Curriculum (HIEC), which provides balanced authentic Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and the Sunnah. HIEC is the outcome of extensive research and teaching expertise in the field of Islamic studies. It aims to foster in students the essential Islamic beliefs and values that drive the pursuit of excellence. HIEC customizable version is better personalised than traditional textbooks, evolving and up to date, collaborative and relevant. Research confirms that students are better engaged, and learning is more effective when the teaching material used provides information and examples that are relevant to the life of students.



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