
Customisable Arabic Language Curriculum

Al-Hikmah Arabic Curricula consist of 23 Arabic language textbooks, which are the outcome of extensive research and teaching expertise in the field of Arabic language and Islamic education.

Al-Hikmah textbooks have been designed to reflect the needs and interests of non-native Arabic learners who live in non-Arabic speaking societies. They offer an innovative approach to advanced language instruction and cover a range of up-to-date pedagogical practices and cultural themes with best classroom practices in mind.

They allow students to develop and bolster their Arabic language proficiency and skills by providing them with a variety of engaging activities and exercises and familiarising them with authentic forms of Arabic communication.

Several extensive research projects were conducted prior to, and alongside, the development of these textbooks, including systematic reviews and analyses of the Arabic programs taught at several Islamic schools, textbooks and resources available in the market, in-depth group discussions with teachers and school leaders, individual interviews and teacher/parents questionnaires, more than one hundred hours of lesson observations, as well as analyses of students’ needs, teaching practices and assessment processes.Al-Hikmah Curricula also build on our previous books, including more than 35 textbooks that have already been put into implementation, trial and iteration for the last six years.

Al-Hikmah Arabic Textbooks

Click on the book cover for detailed description

Structure and Availabilty

Al-Hikmah Textbooks are available in three versions/formats:

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Paperback/standard version:

Designed to cater to the needs of Muslim students living in non-Muslim societies in general. This version is available for individuals and can be purchased through Amazon market stores (Visit Author page or textbook-series for details).

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Semi customized version:

Designed to cater to the needs of specific schools or organizations. This version is available for Islamic schools and education providers.

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Fully personalized version:

This version is designed to cater to the needs of specific schools or organizations and based on comprehensive research and consultation program. This option is available for Islamic schools and organizations, particularly schools...

Points of Difference

Al-Hikmah Textbooks are:

Better personalized than traditional textbooks: The unidirectional one-size-fits-all education approach of the outdated traditional textbooks proved ineffective in inspiring and engaging our children in this age of advanced personalised technology! According to latest research, students are more engaged and learn better when teachers use examples that are current and relevant to them. Al-Hikmah curricula have been designed as fully customisable programs that can be tailored to the specific needs of each school, based on systematic consultation and in-depth research processes.

Bypass the traditional publishers and distributors: Al-Hikmah textbooks are more affordable in the long run. By obtaining your own digital copies of your customised textbooks, you will enjoy unrestricted rights to print/reprint your own unlimited number of copies. This will enable you to bypass the publishers and the middlemen distributors and save up to 78% of the money paid to publishers and distributors.

Ever evolving and up to date: One of the biggest drawbacks to traditional textbooks is their inability to be updated. Al-Hikmah textbooks are being revised, iterated and improved on regular basis. You will be able to control what to include, revise, add or remove from the book.

Collaborative: Our relationship with you and your organisation does not stop at selling/purchasing printed books. We constantly seek and receive invaluable feedback from schools, teachers, students and parents, making the development of our custom textbooks a collaborative process.

Relevant: Only the necessary and relevant information will be included in our books.