Level 5 part 1

Al-Hikmah Islamic Studies Level 5 Part 1 is suitable for children between the ages of 8 and 12, ideally for year 5 students. It consists of ten units of study and covers a variety of topics, including Islamic beliefs, Seerah (Prophet’s biography) and Fiqh. In particular, the book at this level discusses the six articles of faith in greater depth and detail, focussing on the Oneness of Allah as the only rabb (Lord) and ilaah (God), belief in the angels, Allah’s messengers, the last day and the Divine Decree (Qadar). This book also presents more details about the life and mission of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, with special focus on the key events of the third stage of Islamic da’wah: persecution and the first migration. The miraculous night journey of Isra’ and Mi’raaj is also discussed in relative depth and details. In addition, the book presents more focussed discussion of the essential and obligatory acts of salah (Arkaan and Wajibaat) as well as the Sunan acts of salah.



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